Fertility Pills and Medicines for Reproductive Health of Women

The two oral medications that are most usually recommended to treat infertility are clomiphene and letrozole (Femara). They are frequently prescribed to patients who have unexplained infertility or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Several studies reveal that they help increase the chances of getting pregnant during ovulation. Letrozole works equally as well as or even better than clomiphene, despite the fact that it is not FDA-approved for the treatment of infertility.

Multiple pregnancies (such as triplets or twins) are possible even while taking the best fertility pills to get pregnant like Clomiphene and Letrozole. There may be issues as a result of this. The inability to get pregnant after at least a year of unprotected sex (or six months if you are 35 or older) is referred to as infertility.

  • Approximately 19% of females in the age group of 15 to 49 are affected, making it a fairly common condition.
  • Nevertheless, it does not make it any less aggravating. Thus, pills to get pregnant are often considered as a treatment.
  • Fortunately, there are numerous fertility medications that can be helpful. Medicines (including oral tablets and injections), surgeries, and medical procedures are among the other available alternatives.
  • Sometimes conception pills are combined with healthcare procedures to increase the likelihood of success.
  • Letrozole (Femara) and Clomiphene are two popular prescription fertility pills used to treat infertility.

In this post, we will run you through details about Clomiphene and Letrozole for fertility and how they can help enhances the chances of conceiving.

Understanding Ovulation and Role of Hormones in Pregnancy

Certain kinds of female infertility treatment are managed with the help of Clomiphene and Letrozole. They have an impact on some hormones in your body. But we need to have a fundamental understanding of ovulation in order to comprehend how these pills function. When you ovulate, the ovaries release one mature egg during the menstrual cycle. And the sperm can fertilize a mature egg for which, the timed process is aided by hormones such as Luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen, progesterone, and follicle-stimulating hormone.

Problems with ovulation, including PCOS can be brought on by hormonal abnormalities. For women with PCOS, help getting pregnant through treatment is sometimes necessary. A leading reason for infertility is PCOS. Ovulation is either impossible for those with PCOS or occurs infrequently. Additionally, fertilization and pregnancy are not possible without an egg.

Working and Function of Fertility Pills for Women

Letrozole and Clomiphene aid in ovulation stimulation. Also, they can increase the number of mature eggs released each cycle. This increases the likelihood of women’s fertility and pregnancy. With scheduled sexual activity or artificial insemination (IUI or intrauterine insemination), these fertility pills are frequently administered. A selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) is Clomiphene. It functions by clinging to estrogen receptors in the brain and ovaries, which are chemical binding sites.

The body is deceived into believing that estrogen levels are low by this. By releasing more FSH, your body will try to increase fertility and remedy the situation. FSH promotes the maturation of eggs and aids in the production of estrogen in the body. Your body releases a significant amount of LH when an egg is prepared, which causes ovulation to occur.

Why Letrozole is considered one of the most successful fertility pills for women because it is an aromatase inhibitor. Infertility is treated by inhibiting aromatase. This protein/enzyme converts androgens (such as testosterone) into estrogens. Letrozole reduces the quantity of estrogen in your body by inhibiting aromatase. Your body will begin producing more FSH to fulfill this loss, just like it did with Clomiphene. Ovulation happens because of an increase in FSH and thereafter LH.

What Makes Letrozole and Clomiphene Different and Effective?

Both Letrozole and Clomiphene aid in ovulation stimulation, despite the fact that they operate differently. However, these fertility pills to get pregnant are different from each other in a few aspects. For infertility, only clomiphene has FDA approval. Letrozole is utilized for this function off-label. Only the treatment of breast cancer is authorized. Studies, however, indicate that it functions at least as well as Clomiphene and occasionally even better.

Clomiphene lingers in your body for a lot longer after taking fertility medicine than Letrozole does. It may take many weeks for clomiphene to completely leave your body. It only takes Letrozole a few days to a week to go. You may have side effects for a longer period of time the longer a medicine is in your system. For decades, the first choice for PCOS-related infertility is Clomiphene for treatment.  And so is Letrozole if considering the off-label use.

Studies indicate that ovulation stimulation generally works fairly well. Thus, medicine to get pregnant fast can be either of the mentioned pills. In fact, Clomiphene users successfully ovulate in between 60% and 85% of cases. However, only about 30% to 50% of women who take the medication for six menstrual cycles actually become pregnant.

What Are Pills for Fertility, Birth Control, and Pregnancy Termination?

Remember they are not for medical abortion at home but used to treat the inability to confuse. People often confuse contraceptive pills, pregnancy termination pills, and fertility pills. If you have any doubts about the detailed function of each of these medication categories, then research the same, or speak with your healthcare provider for better information.

While missed period pills are used to end a pregnancy, and birth control pills prevent pregnancy. The medicines to treat infertility, on the other hand, help you in getting pregnant. All of these medicines are essential for the reproductive health of a woman. But they differ in action mechanism, as well as directed for different purposes. You must only take these pills after consulting your physician. Because many times, health issues can interfere with their effective working.

  • Emergency Contraception and Birth Control

If you are looking for immediate birth control after unprotected intercourse, then you can take emergency contraceptive medicine instead within 72 hours. Plan B is an example here. It stops implantation by shedding the endometrial lining. But if a pregnancy already takes place, then the emergency contraception will not work. So, you must use it after a failed pregnancy prevention method of intercourse, as soon as possible.

  • Medicines to End a Pregnancy

And if you want a natural miscarriage in first-trimester pregnancy, then you can take oral Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills (buccally or vaginally). These medicines combinedly break the endometrial lining and stop pregnancy by blocking the progesterone hormone. The fetus remains detached from the uterus wall and ready to be expelled through heavy vaginal bleeding. The uterine contractions that follow may cause abdominal pain and cramps. For this, you can take pain relief medicines.

The missed period pills also widen the cervix for the exit of the large blood clots containing the pregnancy tissues and portions. Until the womb empties, the bleeding continues but reduces after that. However, light bleeding or spotting can stay on for a few weeks. Now, fertility pills can cause pregnancy as well, and if you do not want to keep the pregnancy for some reason, then you have to take consent from your physician you can choose a medical method to end a pregnancy or not.

Final Words

Fertility medications are important for improving women’s healthcare. Several people with problems getting pregnant can take treatment with Clomiphene or Letrozole. And if you need medicine for abortion, then Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills are good. For birth control, you can follow pill options, or non-hormonal methods as well. Speak with your healthcare provider for the best advice.

Safe Access to Medical Pregnancy Termination is Crucial for Women

Access to safe medical abortion is crucial for women’s reproductive rights and health. It’s no secret that women’s rights to abortions have been a contentious issue for decades. In many countries around the world, women still face significant barriers to accessing safe and permissible abortions. This not only violates their fundamental human right to control their own bodies and make their own choices but also puts their health and lives at risk.

In this blog post, we will delve into why access to safe medical abortion pill is so important and how restrictions on them can have devastating consequences for women’s lives. So, sit tight and learn more below.

The Significance of Access to Safe Medical Abortion

Accessibility to an abortion pill is essential for guaranteeing a woman’s autonomy over her own body. The importance of this cannot be overstated. Every woman deserves the right to make decisions about her own reproductive health without fear of judgment or repercussions. Here is why this is necessary:

  • The medical termination of pregnancy provides a safe and effective option for terminating a pregnancy. But its availability and accessibility are limited in some parts of the world.
  • This leaves many women with no choice but to seek dangerous and unsafe methods to end their pregnancies than get abortion pill for themselves.
  • When safe abortion pills are not available, women are restricted from exercising their own bodily rights and choices.
  • We must work to ensure that medical termination use is allowed and accessible to all women who need it, regardless of their socioeconomic status, geographic location, or cultural background.
  • When taking the abortion pill is not compromised, we can truly guarantee a woman’s full bodily autonomy and reproductive right

Why Availability of Abortion Pills is Necessary for Women?

The introduction of the pill to end pregnancy has provided women with a safe and effective option for terminating early pregnancies. The pill has been approved by many countries and is available in various forms in both developed and developing countries.

  • The availability of all abortion pills has given women greater control over their reproductive health, allowing them to make informed decisions about their bodies.
  • Furthermore, providing access to safe abortion medicine can also reduce the stigma associated with abortion and enable women to seek medical care without fear of judgment.
  • Many myths about medical abortion pain and cons deter females from getting the medicine and thinking otherwise. It is important to get proper details about the process first.
  • There are ways to tackle pill abortion pain by using a hot water bag or heating pad, a painkiller, and getting done with pregnancy termination easily indoors.
  • Ultimately, access to reproductive health products, including the use of pregnancy ending pills, is essential in ensuring that women have access to quality reproductive healthcare, reducing maternal mortality rates, and promoting gender equality.

Benefits of Medical Abortion for Women’s Reproductive Rights and Health

Medical abortion, also known as the abortion pill, is an increasingly popular and accessible option to end pregnancy for women. It offers a safe, private, and cost-effective alternative to surgical abortion. This is particularly important in areas with limited access to medical facilities or where the social stigma surrounding abortion may deter women from seeking necessary care.

  • The medicine to end pregnancy allows women to control their reproductive choices and preserve their reproductive rights.
  • Note that ending pregnancy with medication offers a more comfortable and natural experience, allowing women to have the procedure in the comfort of their own homes.
  • Overall, medical abortion is safe and provides a valuable option for women who need it and is a significant step toward ensuring reproductive freedom and equality for all women.
  • Moreover, pills to have an abortion positively impact women’s lives by decreasing the social stigma and empowering them to have control over their reproductive health.

Final Say

All women should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies and medical abortion allows them to do so in a safe and effective manner.  It is important to support and advocate for access to medical abortion as it can improve the lives of women, their families, and communities as a whole. You can get accurate abortion pill information from Abortionpillsrx.com and understand the procedure better.

By normalizing and accepting medical abortion as a valid option for reproductive healthcare, we can move towards a more equitable society where all individuals are able to exercise agency and autonomy over their own bodies.

The lack of access to safe medical abortion can lead to devastating outcomes that can affect entire families and communities. Supporting women’s rights to safe medical abortion is not only a matter of social justice but also of public health.

Unsafe Abortion Methods You Should Be Aware Of

The rising number of unsafe abortion methods is usually because of a lack of access to legit and safe abortion. Due to this, several women try desperate measures to end their unplanned pregnancies. However, doing so will only increase deaths, infections, and hemorrhage, harming the reproductive organs enough to render them useless to function properly again. Unsafe pregnancy termination also endangers the chances of getting pregnant in the future.

In this post, we will talk about the unsafe abortion methods that women are known to practice and how ensuring access to medically certified abortion facilities can safeguard health.

Some of the Unsafe Abortion Methods That Women Use

Here are a few of the harmful methods females may follow to terminate their unintended pregnancies:

1.    Heavy Workouts and Exercises

Physically strenuous activities are not advisable during pregnancy. It can lead to pregnancy loss or miscarriage. This may lead to profuse bleeding and other health issues. Females who do not have safe access to abortion sometimes resort to heavy workouts and exercise in the hope to have a miscarriage. But doing so will only hurt the person in ways unimaginable.

2.    Overdose of Emergency Contraceptive Pills

People have the misconception that emergency contraceptive pills can terminate a pregnancy. But the fact is that emergency contraception can also prevent pregnancy if the implantation has not taken place. But females who cannot buy abortion pills take an overdose of emergency contraceptive pills and think it may induce loss of pregnancy. However, overdosing on such pills will only welcome additional health concerns.

3.    Procedures Conducted in Unhygienic Conditions

Several abortion health centers have no permission to perform pregnancy termination procedures. They do such procedures without certification and under unhygienic conditions. Moreover, the person guiding you through the process does not have any ethical or professional experience in doing so. This is a very dangerous situation; improper termination can cause serious medical conditions for the pregnant woman.

4.    Eat Something Poisonous to Harm the Embryo

Another unnerving method in the effort to end a pregnancy is self-poisoning by eating something harmful. The person may hope that doing so will in turn harm the embryo after which a miscarriage may happen. Or, they can access hospital care where the abortion will take place due to the sudden health issue. However, taking such a risk will threaten the personal health and life of the individual as well. Moreover, this is a completely unsafe method to conduct an abortion.

5.    Utilizing Pointed Objects to Pull Out Uterus Contents

Those who do not have the access to illicit places that undertake abortion procedures may self-induce abortion at home. And they may use pointed objects such as hangers to pierce through the cervix and empty the uterus. This is highly alarming and can be fatal. The over-bleeding, puncturing of sensitive organs, and resulting pain and shock can lead to death. It can also make the person infertile permanently.

How to End Early Pregnancy at Home Without Risks?

The use of abortion pills is one of the at-home abortion methods suitable to end a pregnancy that is within 9 weeks of gestation. Here is how to go about it:

  • With Mifepristone and Misoprostol pills, you can stop the pregnancy from advancing. Mifepristone is an oral medicine. It is anti-progesterone that suppresses the pregnancy hormone.
  • The pill separates the fetus from the uterus wall. Also, the pregnancy portions are evicted by the Misoprostol 4 x 200mcg pills that you must use 24 to 48 hours later. You can administer this medicine either buccally or vaginally.
  • Misoprostol causes uterine contractions. It also expands the cervical opening and leads to heavy vaginal bleeding. As a result, the products of conception flush out from the womb and the vagina in a few hours.

Thus, abortion pills use is one of the safe abortion methods at home for your early pregnancy. For a pregnancy over 9 weeks, an invasive procedure is advisable. Make sure to purchase the medicines from a trustable pharmacy, even if it is online. This should be done at a certified clinic or a hospital where professionals can perform the surgery.

To Conclude

Women must get the facilities for effective abortion methods at home so that they are not forced into taking up any life-threatening procedures to end their pregnancies. The above-given information will surely make you aware of the same.

How to take pills after abortion

Medical abortion is a method which most of women prefer in early pregnancy termination method. But to carried out the process successfully, it is very important to follow the procedure properly.

There are several reasons why women go for a medical abortion: Women can maintain privacy during a medical abortion. Medical abortion is cost effective as compared to other options. And women can buy abortion pills online to do a medical abortion.

Mifeprex is the first pill which women take in the process of a medical abortion. Women can take pills orally.

How should you take cytolog: There are two methods 1) Vaginally 2)Bucally

Vaginal consumption: There are 4 pills of cytolog which need to be taken in this process, put each pill in the vagina one after another. Adjust your body position properly so you insert pills properly.

Buccal consumption:You can take 4 pills in cheek pouches. Then saliva in the cheek pouches helps the woman dissolve pills quickly. Pills should not be chewed , you need to keep it as it is for 30 minutes. You can chew it later or gulp it down.

What to expect: Most of the changes happened after abortion procedure are visible. Effects such as nausea, tiredness, fatigue. You need to consult a medical expert to deal with these effectively.

How to find exact medicine after abortion.


There are a number of pharmacies online which sell abortion pills to help women to end an unwanted pregnancy. While buying the medication, you take few things into account 1 Money 2. Health 3.Transparency. You need to consult a doctor and take a proper prescription before buying abortion pills.

Local pharmacies: The first thing which people is try to find abortion pills in the their nearby local pharmacies. You can check the product at the time of buying only and use them immediately, which is helpful. But not every region has pharmacies which sell abortion pills.

When women don’t get abortion abortion pills in nearby pharmacies, they try to find out abortion pills in other pharmacies. During such a phase, Traveling is not a good option for women considering her body condition, it can cause complications. Also it take a lot of time and money when you have to travel to other place in order to purchase abortion pills.

Online pharmacies: An online pharmacy is a good option for women who have problems in traveling to find abortion tablets. You can search on internet for some good abortion pills online.

So purchasing online will save you money and time which otherwise you would have required in case of traveling. Also, there are a lot of options to choose from .

What are the options you have:

Mifepristone, Mifeprex, Generic RU486 are the abortion pills that are used to restrict the pregnancy development. In order to remove pregnancy content, there are other pill such as Cytolog and Misoprostol.

MTP Kit, a popular combination of two abortion pills is the used by most women who want to terminate the unwanted pregnancy.

How to choose MTP Kit?
Any women who want to buy the combination to both abortion pills. Mifeprex and cytolog are the two abortion comes in Mtp kit. This kit is affordable and effective option for medical abortion up to 9 weeks.

There are some after effects happened after taking abortion pills , these effects are cramping, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. These effect can be intense at times. If you want to minimize the after effect then you can buy MTP kit. It will help you to carried out pregnancy termination procedure with less pain and less impact of the after effects happened in this procedure.

Importance Of Reproductive Health:

Many women neglect towards their reproductive health. But they need to understand that reproductive health is as important as general health.

There might be different reasons like women are uncomfortable to discuss about reproductive health issues such as menstruation, vagina, discharge etc.

However, it is important to take follow proper steps to take care of reproductive health.

Birth control method: If you don’t want to pregnant soon as you are not ready, so use of contraception methods like condom, birth control pills during sexual intercourse is important. Contraception is also important thing which you should known when it comes to reproductive health.

Safer Intercourse: Before having a sex with a new partner, it is important to take a medical test by convincing the other partner, why

proper precautions such as test is important. It will clear all doubts and both partner can have a safe sexual intercourse.

Unprotected sexual Intercourse- when you have unprotected sexual intercourse, then you need to take emergency contraceptive pill immediately. But if you miss to take emergency pills and do not want unwanted pregnancy then you can buy abortion pill and end the pregnancy safely.

Keep a Track of menstrual cycle : You can understand the Hormonal changes or any other problem when you keep the track of menstrual cycle.It also helps you to understand the complications arise in reproductive organs such as PCOS.

Hydrated: You need to keep drink water continuously to stay hydrated. It keep your vagina healthy. A dry vagina can cause problem during intercourse.
Checkups: You need to do a regular checkup to monitor your reproductive health properly. Such checkup will you to fix any problem at that time only.

How To deal with post-abortion Stress


After the abortion, stress is one such issue about which most women are concerned about. there are different perspectives about abortion which makes women worried regarding any decision related to an abortion.
After abortion, women body goes through hormonal changes due to which they experience different range of emotions.

Know what things you can do to deal with post-abortion stress.

What is post-abortion stress: After abortion, it is very common to have a feeling of guiltiness. You experience different feelings suddenly one after another like sadness, anger, nervousness about the procedure

Some women who are not sure about their decision of abortion sometimes after abortion feel very bad about their decision. And they end up suffering from problems like stress. Not able to understand what happened and why did this happen is also cause of stress experienced by most women.

Know what symptoms are seen in post-abortion stress:

being numb
struggle with intimacy
Increase intake of alcohol.
Some women also have a problem like eating disorder, self-harm.
Does every individual suffer from this stress.
No not every individual undergoing an abortion suffer from post-abortion stress. On the contrary, it is seen women who wanted a solution of unwanted pregnancy buy abortion pills and have a safe abortion, which reduces their a lot of stress.

Most women feel guilty due to societal pressure. Thoughts how will people around perceive this whole thing make women more worried.

Things you can do to get relief from stress.

Abortion is a decision which women do to save herself from problems from unwanted pregnancy. Once women understand that her decision was right and if she would

Share your feelings: In such a phase , women mind is filled with a lot of thoughts. So in such situation by sharing her problems, women not only get a good support but they also feel relieved.

Pampering: The best way to reduce stress is by doing the things which you enjoy. Indulging in favorite things will distract your mind from such thoughts. Anything such as painting, gardening which you like can give you a few light moments.

Consultation: Getting a proper consultation in this phase is very important, as expert can understand your problems properly and help you to deal with post-abortion stress with proper measures.

Unplanned Pregnancy Fears and Its Solutions


Starting a family has a lot of responsibilities hence, women want to be completely ready before having a baby.

Unplanned pregnancy happens all the time and women have to go through different problems in this phase.

Know what are the different problems you can deal with an unplanned pregnancy.

How to avoid an unwanted pregnancy:

If you have to save yourself from unwanted pregnancy situation complications then there are different methods that you can use.
Contraception methods such as birth control pills, condom etc are used to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

Is it possible to get pregnant despite using contraception?

Contraception methods are very useful in preventing an unwanted pregnancy. The result efficiency is around 97. Contraception methods reduce the chances of getting pregnant but still there is a possibility.

Situations like condoms got torn, birth control pills become ineffective or you miss the some dosage. In such case, you can get pregnant even if have used contraception method.

You can take emergency contraceptive pill if any such situation occur. You have to take emergency contraceptive pills within 72 hours after sexual penetration.In this way, sperm will be restricted from entering cervix and thus prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

How can you deal with an unplanned pregnancy?

Unplanned pregnancy is a situation which happens. Abortion is a method to solve the problem of an unplanned pregnancy. Depending your gestation period, you can go for a medical abortion in which can buy abortion pill to do the pregnancy termination, the another method is surgical abortion in which surgical instruments are used in a pregnancy termination.

how long does bleeding last after an abortion:

women sitting
Bleeding is one of the after-effects which women experience after the abortion. And this Bleeding could be heavier or normal in case of heavy better it is always better to consult a doctor as right away.

Why bleeding after abortion.

Abortion is a process to carried out a pregnancy termination. In a medical abortion, abortion pills are used for the pregnancy termination. Mifeprex and Cytolog are two abortion pills that are taken in combination, this combination is also known as MTP Kit to complete this procedure. The first pill, Mifeprex is taken orally. This first pill block the progesterone hormone, a hormone responsible for the growth of pregnancy

After an interval of a few hours, second pill Cytolog is consumed. After taking it, it causes contraction in the uterus and so women feel cramping. To expel pregnancy contents out of uterus, you experience bleeding .

Now coming to the question that most of women have is that how long does this bleeding last?

Usually, Such bleeding last for seven to ten days after a medical abortion procedure. Although in some women, procedure can get completed in 2-3 days but in case of some it could take 8-10 days. So the bleeding duration varies depending upon the functioning of an individual body, gestation period, how body responds to medication.

What are the advantages of detoxification to the body in a medical abortion process

detoxification food

In current fast-paced life, our body has to go through a lot of things due to several reasons like unhealthy lifestyle, improper food habits etc. So in such a condition, detoxification can be very useful for the body. After doing a medical abortion, you will have to follow proper measures and detoxification process will be useful for the faster recovery during this phase.
So know the things that you will need to include in this process.

Green vegetable: Green vegetables contains all essential nutrients and vitamins which are important for the growth of the body. Vegetables such a s spinach, wheat grass, provide the required nutients to the body.

Citus foods: Citus foods such as lemon are useful in removing the harmful toxins from a body. Lemons juice is beneficial for the kidney and liver by detoxifying harmful elements. Hence, it is advised to drink a glass of lemon juice in the morning.
Hydration: Water is very important for the body. It is very important to stay hydrated by consuming a lot of water throughout the day.

Drinking a lot of water will help in flushing out the toxins and keep the body healthy.

Green tea: Green tea is very important source of antioxidant. Make green tea an important part of your has advantage. Catching is a special antioxidant present in green tea It helps in dealing with stress and also catechin present in green tea helps in strengthening the liver function.

So if you decide to buy abortion pills and do a medical abortion so knowing about and adopting a detoxification process will be very beneficial in the quick recovery of the health post medical abortion .